Participants seated around a table discussing learnings from the Exploring Power Dynamics Workshop in Geneva

Exploring Power Dynamics Workshop

With over 25 years of experience across 50 countries globally, Grameen Foundation has directly observed the adverse impact of power structures on people. We are committed to addressing this inequity and we utilize our expertise in household dialogues to reframe and engage in new ways of thinking.

With an interactive and generative approach, our Exploring Power Dynamics Workshop (EPD) aims to cultivate awareness and equip attendees with effective communication strategies to navigate and challenge power dynamics, benefiting both individuals and organizations alike.

Through hands-on sessions, collaborative discussions, and the sharing of personal insights, participants will delve into the intricate workings of power systems and explore their own roles within them.

An orange road weaves through the image with stopping points that outline Grameen Foundation's three part series workshop of Exploring Power Dynamics

Join us once a month for a free virtual workshop of Part One of our Exploring Power Dynamics Workshop. Part One: Raising Awareness aims to increase understanding of our own identities within systems of power.

This one-hour zoom course provides an introduction to the dialogue skills training, identity awareness, and power dynamics courses that Grameen Foundation facilitates around the world.

EPD is a three-part workshop that investigates power, identity, and the systems that exist around us.

Learn More About Our Three-Part Workshop

Join The Next Event  
A group of people is standing in rows and columns all reading a piece of paper with identity guides as part of the teachings in the Exploring Power Dynamics Workshop

Who Should Participate?

This two day workshop is participatory and accessible to individuals, teams, or organizations that are eager to develop self-introspection through internal and personal reflection about how harmful gender and social norms play out along intersectional differences at work, home, and in the community.

As a result of this reflection, participants will be better positioned to hold difficult conversations while empathizing with others.

"I highly recommend this workshop. We had fun and I certainly left with new ways to face potential conflictual conversations, professional and personal in a constructive and respectful way."
– EPD Workshop Participant, Geneva

Three participants in the Exploring Power Dynamics Workshop discuss learnings from engaging dialogue technique session

Why Grameen Foundation?

An important piece of Grameen's work is enabling new systems that start at the household and community levels. For many women in rural communities, both the financial services sector and agricultural markets have deeply entrenched patriarchal norms in place that often make them inhospitable for women to even walk through their doors.

Grameen’s Exploring Power Dynamics Workshops provides customized training and action plans, based on location, culture, and needs. By addressing harmful power dynamics that perpetuate gender inequalities, we reframe the role of gender in the local and global economy.

EPD is most often facilitated by Alfred Yeboah, Grameen Foundation's Director of Global Program Operations and EPD Lead Trainer.

Alfred Yeboah is an experienced social development practitioner, behavior change specialist and an advocacy strategist with over 21 years of experience developing and managing social change programs in agriculture, financial inclusion, and health.

Learn More About EPD in Alfred's Blog  
participants in the Exploring Power Dynamics Workshop taking a group selfie after the workshop ended


Over the course of the worksop, participants will:

Analyze their own role within systems of power

Interact with the concept of power and the impact of having or not having power in various dimensions of one’s life (home, work, community, etc)

Take up dialogue techniques that support positive communication, particularly when addressing or discussing harmful gender norms or emotionally-charged topics

Produce preliminary personal or organizational action plans for next steps

A large group of people stands together outside for group photo following the close of the workshop


We offer a sliding scale based on your organization's needs and budget. Connect with us to learn more about our customized options.

Our Work in Action

This global GPD Workshop Evaluation shares key findings from past workshops.

"The workshop was quite unique compared to other trainings, enabling participants to reflect practically – not in an abstract way, helping us to apply to our daily lives in the contexts we are coming from."
— EPD Workshop Participant, Ghana

A photo of the group from behind with one individual smiling after a humorous moment during the workshop

Learn More

Email Vice President of Programs, Amelia Kuklewicz ( to learn more about our customized workshops.

"As an advocate trying to influence behavioral changes, and mindsets, it gave me an opportunity to reflect on how to link my own personal beliefs and values to other people’s."
– EPD Workshop Participant, Palau