1.7 Billion People Have Been Affected By Climate Disasters Over The Past Decade
Our Approach To Change  
edna applying salt

Climate Change Poses A Severe Threat To Women In Low-Income Countries, Exacerbating Existing Vulnerabilities And Compounding Socio-Economic Challenges

Prioritizing climate resilience for poor women in low-income countries is not only a matter of social justice but also a critical step towards building more sustainable and equitable societies.

Survival for these women and their families means relying heavily on natural resources such as healthy farms and water sources, all of which are increasingly damaged by extreme weather events, drought, and wildfires. As primary caregivers and food providers, women bear the brunt of climate-related disasters and disruptions. Facing heightened risks of food insecurity, displacement, and loss of income.

Women in Ghana carrying basket

"Climate change affects the functioning of all components of global food systems, and food systems are a major contributor to global heating. Food availability, diversity, access, safety and nutrient quality are affected by climate shocks and stresses. At the same time, around one third of global greenhouse gas emissions are attributable to food systems – from tilling up soil to raising livestock." - World Food Program USA

Grameen Foundation is committed to investing in climate resilience for women, supporting them through a variety of activities because building climate resilience requires multiple approaches and is crucial to safeguarding the well-being and economic stability of all vulnerable communities.

When families can save profits from their business or proactively adapt their farms to global warming, they can make sure their families not only survive, but thrive.

Uganda Coffee Grower

Grameen Foundation's InvestHer Climate Resilience Bond Chosen To Scale Up Climate Change Harm Mitigation And Adaptation Across The Global South

InvestHER Climate Resilience Bond is a five-year program that centers on women-led, adaptation-focused, agri-SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) in Uganda. This innovative approach addresses the impact of climate change on rural women and households.

Grameen Foundation was chosen to be part of the 2024 Cohort by The Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance (the Lab). The Lab is an investor-led, public-private initiative that accelerates climate finance solutions and instruments. In partnership with the Climate Policy Initiative (CPI), The Lab drives billions of dollars of private investment into climate change action in developing countries, providing incredible access that will increase Grameen's impact in Uganda.

32% increase in food security

Participants in Grameen Foundation's Rajasthan nutrition program reported substantial increases in food security for themselves and their children.


Of farmers who participated in Grameen's FarmLink program learned how to mitigate the risk of drought and pests. They received text alerts on weather and recommended actions to take to protect their coconut farms.

More than twice as many farmers

Invested in diversified income activities, such as buying livestock, to better withstand shocks after participating in our resilience program in Burkina Faso. In addition, participants felt their households were more resilient as a result of working with Grameen—at a rate nearly double the comparison group.

Creating A World Where Poverty Is Not A Life Sentence, But One Chapter In A Story Of Resilience And Triumph
Invest In The Power Of Women