A group of women are seated on the floor, surrounded by bright green vegetables that they are sorting

Ending Poverty And Hunger

Grameen Foundation’s strategy, Invest in HER Power is rooted in our Holistic, Economic Resilience (HER) Framework and connects women and families to tailored financial services, training, and the resources needed to move 10 million women and their families out of poverty by 2030.

Our Goal: By 2030, deepen impact through innovative and locally-led programming to move 10 million women and their families out of poverty permanently. Learn More

Become a one-time or recurring donor with your online gift. We accept PayPal, ACH, Venmo, Apple Pay, and Google Pay.

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Young Woman Accel HE Rate Image

Who Your Money Supports:

AccelHERate (Young Women)

Grameen supports young women to start new businesses as mobile money agents. After four months, agents increase their average monthly income by 43%, allowing them to move past the poverty line benchmark. Learn More

A gift of $10/month supports one young woman with the tools and resources she needs to move over the poverty line.

Woman In Purple Scarf Invest HER Image

InvestHER (Women Entrepreneurs)

Grameen digitized 100 VSLAs (Village Savings and Loans Associations) using our platform (LedgerLink). Within one year, 2,873 members received digitized financial records and formal credit histories. Learn More

A gift of $1,000 USD or $84/month enables entrepreneurs with the education, skills, and access to finance needed to end poverty for one woman and her family.

Comfort, a Ghanaian cocoa farmer, looks proudly at the camera. She's standing next to a few of her cocoa trees.

TogetHER, We Grow (Women Farmers)

Grameen collaborates with Farmer Producer Organizations (FPO’s) to enable market access for smallholder farmers, while promoting climate resilience through integrated farming systems.Within two years, Grameen’s power dynamics workshops led to a 122% increase in women’s shareholder representation within the FPOs. Learn More

A gift of $100/month enables women farmers with the tools, equipment, resources, and climate-mitigation technology needed to leave the cycle of poverty.

Lead Course Facilitator, Alfred Yeboah leads a group in Grameen Foundation's Exploring Power Dynamics Workshop

Sparks For Change (Building Stronger Families)

When families are stronger, communities and economies are stronger. Our research has shown that involving members of the family is a crucial piece of sustainable change. By engaging spouses in developing strategies for financial management, family harmony, and shared goals, we see a great chance of families leaving poverty forever. Learn More

A gift of $10 enables one spark for change.

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A group of women stand at an outdoor table -all are smiling at the camera and working together.

Other Ways To Give

Donate by Mail or Phone

Give us a call at (202) 628-3560.

Or you can mail a check to:
Grameen Foundation c/o EarthClass
9450 SW Gemini Dr.
PMB 13977
Beaverton, OR 97008-7105

Gift Of Stock

To make a current gift of stock, please give your broker the following instructions for electronic delivery to Grameen Foundation.

Deliver to DTC 8862
Account number: 862-02739
Account name: Grameen Foundation USA
Grameen Fouandation’s broker: Merrill Lynch
Please contact us at (202) 628-3560 or development@grameenfoundation.org with any questions and to notify us of the transfer details so that we can properly credit your gift and provide you with a letter for tax purposes.

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Explore Bequests and Other Planned Giving Opportunities

Other Information

All donations are in USD. If a donation is made from an international bank account, there may be additional fees incurred with that transaction.By contributing today, you agree to receive periodic updates from Grameen Foundation. You can unsubscribe at any time by contacting us or via a link in every email.Your tax-deductible donation will help break the cycle of poverty for the world's poorest people.

Grameen Foundation is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization.

Grameen Foundation's Fed Tax ID number is: 73-1502797.

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We Are Proud To Be Reviewed And Held Accountable By Independent Third-Party Organizations

Donor Privacy Policy

Grameen Foundation values the privacy of our donors. We keep donor information strictly confidential. We do not sell, rent or trade the names of our donors. We will not share or sell donor personal information with any third party, nor send donor mailing on behalf of other organizations. Donor contact information is kept in a password-protected database on a secure network. Credit card donations are processed by a reputable e-commerce provider on a secure, encrypted website and credit card numbers are not retained in the GrameenFoundation.org offices.

Matching Gifts

See if your employer has a matching gift program.

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