Make your 2X MATCHED gift today!
This week only: Every $1 will be matched with $2 to enable women worldwide.
This week only: Every $1 will be matched with $2 to enable women worldwide.
Goal: By 2030, we will build sustainable and viable livelihood paths for three million young women and their families.
AccelHERate In Action: In Uganda, Grameen supports young women to start new businesses as MTN Uganda mobile money agents. Agents increase their average monthly income by 43%, after just four months, allowing them to move past the poverty line benchmark.
Providing both cash-in, cash-out services and digital financial literacy training to other women in their communities encourages long-term individual and community impact.
Goal: By 2030, increase sustainable income to move three million women entrepreneurs and their families out of poverty permanently.
InvestHER In Action: Grameen promotes women's entrepreneurship in Northern Ghana by integrating Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs) onto the LedgerLink digital platform, allowing access to loans and savings from local providers.
A guarantee fund has been established to lower loan interest rates by up to 30%.
Goal: By 2030, increase the adoption of climate smart technology while building diversified income sources for three million women farmers and their families.
TogetHER, We Grow In Action: In India, Grameen saw a 230% increase in total sales turnover in Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) after our work began to increase climate smart technology usage. An additional 122% growth in female shareholders was seen and 82% of farmers improved negotiation skills and trust in FPOs.
Goal: Program SAFE will transform the financial system so that 100 million women and vulnerable people are safe from financial abuse and gain financial autonomy.
SAFE will build the evidence base and broad public awareness of the issue, support stakeholders to put in place critical safeguards, revise international standards on mitigating risks to customers, and leverage prior campaign experience to catalyze change at a systemic level.
Stay tuned for our white paper with more information - coming soon!
Learn MoreGoal: The Innovation Hub’s focus on AI and technology will address critical gaps that prevent families from fully participating in and benefiting from the digital economy.
An additional problem that Grameen will resolve is the lack of digital information and financial insight into the behavior and needs of the world's poorest, living in rural and remote areas.
When families are stronger, communities and economies are stronger. Our research has shown that involving members of the family is a crucial piece of sustainable change. By engaging spouses in developing strategies for financial management, family harmony, and shared goals, we see a great chance of families leaving poverty forever.
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