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This week only: Every $1 will be matched with $2 to enable women worldwide.
Posted on 12/13/2021
Our Women Entrepreneurs in Northern Ghana Gain Access to Integrated Services Via Agent Networks (WE-GAIN) project is off to a great start. Women in Ghana face multiple barriers to gender equality and financial inclusion, we found: Unfriendly laws, social customs, and scant gender-based violence referrals in rural areas are a few.
Along with our partners, Grameen Foundation has begun training DFS+ Agents, who provide not just digital financial services like mobile banking, but also health and gender-based violence reduction resources.
“Participating in the three-day business training offered me the skills to become a DFS+ Agent,” Miriam, one of these Agents, told us. “Being a DFS+ Agent means helping community members live exemplary lives, educating them on critical social issues, and how women and men can live without conflict and violence. During the training, I learned how to manage my mobile money business, which will help me financially. [I can now provide] digital financial services to my community members.”
Goals for the project include: