By Enabling New Systems of Support, We Ensure Women Can Access Their Full Potential and Build Resilience Against Climate Change, Financial Insecurity, and Harmful Gender Archetypes
See Our Impact  

Women in low-income countries around the world exhibit extraordinary power.

Often, they are the backbones of their households, doing unending and unpaid work to help their families survive.

They are capable, resourceful, and persistent.

Together, we are creating a world where poverty is not a life sentence, but one chapter in a story of resilience and triumph.

Through Grameen Foundation’s workshops, my family’s life has changed. My husband, Vincent, and I now share household decision making, and he helps with household chores and childcare.  
— Patience, Grameen Foundation Partner in Northern Ghana
Invest in the Power of Women  

Transforming Systems. Transforming Access. Transforming Lives.

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Let's End Poverty in Our Lifetime