When she has agency, she has a voice in decisions that impact her family's health and well-being. She can live free from the consequences of harmful gender norms.

Grameen Foundation pairs research and deep expertise with a wide network of local partners to break barriers to women's agency. We enable women to have a voice in household decision-making, feel respected by their family and community, and show up with their full power.

grameen foundation theory of change diagram - agency

Program Spotlight: Engaging Partners of Women Entrepreneurs in Latin America

Women entrepreneurs in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras struggle to gain support from their male partners. They're often expected to manage all household duties in addition to any business ventures they want to pursue. Grameen Foundation works with local finance institutions in these countries to provide household-level training and dialogues, engaging men to support their partners' business ventures so they can improve their income, share the burden of unpaid labor, and increase their overall health and well-being.


Increase in the number of women who felt comfortable speaking up about household challenges after participating in a Grameen program in Burkina Faso


Average increase in women who started family planning, accessing birth control methods and speaking with healthcare providers after participating in Grameen savings group and household dialogues in Bénin

Only 2%

Of Grameen participants in Rajasthan, India, who believe their husbands are justified in being violent, down from more than 20%. They also reported significant increases in food security, hopefulness, and life satisfaction.


Nearly a third of women in Ghana experience gender-based violence in their lifetimes.

Story of Change: Patience

Grameen Foundation and its local partners in Ghana found that becoming an entrepreneur increased the risk of gender-based violence (GBV) for women. So we equipped our digital financial services agents to not just provide resources for victims--but flip the script altogether.

And now, agents like Patience are reaching out to households to hold gender dialogues and workshops, and to savings groups to educate them on how to proactively reduce the risk of GBV for women business owners altogether.

 I say that [a woman being submissive] is how it was in traditional marriage. Now, modernization has come. A woman has a right to her own body and her own self. Being a wife doesn’t mean being a slave. A man must respect the woman and the woman must respect the man.  
— Patience, DFS+ Agent, Ghana
Patience's Story  
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