Business Correspondent Network Managers (BCNM) Experiment Demonstrating Scale: Gender Assessment

In order to gain a better understanding of how the Business Correspondents (BC) model in India can be improved to better drive last-mile financial inclusion, Grameen Foundation conducted an action research project known as Business Correspondent Network Managers (BCNMs) Experiments and Demonstrating Scale (BEADS). This Gender Assessment report describes the laws, policies, and institutional practices that protect and support women in India; the sociocultural norms, gender roles and power dynamics that influence women’s lives; women’s access to, use of, and control over assets and resources; the influence of gender-based violence (GBV) and crime on women; and describe the intersectional identities that may deepen some women’s vulnerabilities and social exclusion.

Resource Type:
  • Research & Evaluation

Author: Emily Brown
Publication Date: 05/19/2023
  • Asia

Program Area:
  • Community Agent Network

  • Gender-Based Violence

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